Saturday, 30 March 2013


English : Hello to everybody! Good News :  We reached 8000 views !! It's amazing !! I can't tell you how proud I am to be part of this blog and I want to thank YOU so much !! WOW!!

Romanian : Buna tuturor ! Am o veste buna pentru voi : Am atins pragul de 8000 de vizitatori ! E uimitor! Nu va pot spune cat de mandru sunt ca fac parte din acest blog si vreau sa va multumesc VOUA foarte mult!! WOW!!

Thursday, 28 March 2013


ACES project "Media Voices 4 Special Teens" is going to be finished April we are going to present our results at the ACES academy in Senec (Slovakia),

We would like to keep this blog active, so we plan to update it with interesting activities in our schools and other relevant news...
We would like to say THANK YOU to all people who believed in us and supported us while we were trying to make our dream come true!
Big thank you to ACES, our readers, our school managments, local partners,media partners, our colleagues and our students!                                                                                                                                       Project team

Monday, 18 March 2013

Project meeting in Iasi, Romania- At Regional studio of Romanian National Tv station

13.03.2013During the project meeting in Romania, we were invited at the Regional studio of Romanian Television at the morning show, where we sopked about aces, about our project and about the roundtable that took place in the afternoon.

My comrade in arms and I- just another working day at battle station

At the beginning of our project, he was the first recruit as representative of students and coordinator of tutors volunteers, now he is my team mate and the friend of Special Middle School "Constantin Paunescu". He spoked, he translated, he wrote on the blog, he danced, he sang, he went with us at every event.
We wish him good luck and success in the future! Good job, Toma! Don't forget that you must LEAD THE WAY! :)
Click here for video
(Presentation at roundtable, 13.03.2013- semi-edited material..:)))

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Iasi, Romania - project partner visit: Round table

During our stay in Iasi, our partner school has organized round table on special needs issues and media. This event was announced on a TV station. Pupils have prepared a performance for the guests and for the project team it was an opportunity to present our project and its results to a wider public...

Iasi, Romania - Project partner visit: School activities


We attended open activities classes - free activities and occupational therapy classes at Special school " Constantin Paunescu" in Iasi, Romania. Students even performed a special dance for us - mix of world dances, including a Serbian dance:-) Here are some photos from these classes....