Thursday, 28 February 2013

Miss & Mister Dragobete 2013 (II)

Vineri, 22 Februarie 2013, elevii si profesorii Scolii Gimnaziale Speciale "Constantin Paunescu" Iasi au organizat concursul de Miss si Mister 2013. Ocazia acestui eveniment a fost Dragobetele (24 Februarie), sarbatoarea traditional romaneasca a dragostei. Felicitari tuturor participantilor si mai ales frumosilor si castigatori.

On Friday, the 22nd of February, teachers and pupils from Special Middle School "Constantin Paunescu" Iasi have organised Miss & Mister 2013. The main reason of the event was the celebration of Dragobete (24th of February) - the traditional Romanian day to celebrate love. Congratulations to all participants and to our beautiful Miss & Mister.

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