Sunday, 26 May 2013

MESTO ZA NAS 049 - Fleksibilno inkluzivno obrazovanje /A PLACE FOR US 049 - Flexible Inclusive Education

.Објављено у 21.05.2013
(Emisija o osobama s invaliditetom MESTO ZA NAS (RTS)
Urednik i voditelj: Milan Dobričić

Četrdeset deveta emisija
Datum emitovanja: 18.04.2013.
Tema: Fleksibilno inkluzivno obrazovanje

Tema ove emisije o osobama s invaliditetom MESTO ZA NAS je fleksibilno inkluzivno obrazovanje, tj. pronalaženje konkretnog rešenja za učenika koje najbolje odgovara njegovim potrebama. Osoba sa integritetom je poznati američki filmski reditelj. Posetili smo najstariju školu za gluve i nagluve učenike, govorili o značaju ugradnje kohlearnog implanta. Osoba sa identitetom je svestrani Aleksandar Marković iz Kragujevca. Zabeležili smo i akciju u Beloj Crkvi povodom Svetskog dana autizma i meseca svesti o autizmu. Bili smo i na utakmici košarke u kolicima između beogradske i čačanske ekipe.

- Prilog o fleksibilnom rešenju za upis u školu
- Prilog o školi za gluvu i nagluvu decu "Stefan Dečanski" u Beogradu
- Prilog o ugradnji kohlearnog implanta
- OSOBE SA IDENTITETOM: Aleksandar Marković
- Prilog iz Bele Crkve o obeležavanju Svetskog dana autizma
- Prilog o košarci u kolicima-

 IZMEĐU 9.40 I 13.07


Posted in 21.05.2013
(The show about people with disabilities A PLACE FOR US (RTS)
The editor and director Milan Dobričić

Forty-nine shows
Issue Date: 18.04.2013.
Subject: Flexible inclusive education

The theme of this issue of persons with disabilities "A place for us" is a flexible inclusive education, that is. finding a concrete solution for the students to best fit their needs. A person with integrity is a famous American film director. We visited the oldest school for the deaf and hard of hearing students, talked about the importance of installing the cochlear implant. The person with the identity of the versatile Aleksandar Markovic from Kragujevac. We have noted and action at the Bela Crkva on the occasion of autism awareness month. We were at the game of basketball in a wheelchair between Belgrade and Cacak team

- Schedule a flexible solution for school
- Contribution about the school for deaf and hard of hearing children, "Stefan Decanski" in Belgrade
- Anchor installation of cochlear implants
- PEOPLE WITH IDENTITY: Alexander Markovich
- Contribution from Bela Crkva on the celebration of World Autism Day
- Contribution to the wheelchair-basketball

                                                             BETWEEN 9:40 AND 13:07
   "SCHOOL FOR HEARING - IMPAIRED PUPILS "STEFAN DECANSKI                               


Monday, 20 May 2013

Easter Fair at Golia

Anul acesta copiii Scolii Gimnaziale Speciale "Constantin Paunescu" Iasi au participat la targul cu vanzare "De Pasti la Golia". Pentru acest targ, elevii scolii noastre au confectionat numeroase produse cu tema pascala. Activitatea s-a desfasurat in parteneriat cu Asociatia "Centrul de Promovare Turistica' Iasi.

This year, the students from Special Middle School 'Constanti Paunescu" Iasi have actively participated at the fair "Easter time at Golia". For this fair our students manufactured many products designed to celebrate Easter. Our partner for this activity was the "Tourism Promotion Centre" from Iasi.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Poseta Botaničkoj bašti u Beogradu /Visit to Botanical Garden in Belgrade

Sa nastavnicom biologije posetili smo Botaničku baštu "Jevremovac" u Beogradu. Videli smo interesantne i lepe biljke i naučili nešto o njima. Pošto se bašta renovira nismo mogli da vidimo egzotične biljke u stakleniku, ali smo uživali u Japanskom vrtu. Evo nekoliko fotografija da vidite kako smo se proveli.
With a biology teacher, we visited the Botanical Garden "Jevremovac" in Belgrade. We saw someinteresting and beautiful plants and learnt about them.As a garden is currently under reconstruction we couldn't see the exotic plants in the greenhouse, but we enjoyed the Japanese garden. Here are a few pictures for you to see how it looked like.

Impreuna cu un profesor de biology am vizitat Gradina Botanica "Jevremovac' din Belgrad. Am vazut cateva plante frumoase si interesante si am invatat lucruri noi despre acestea. Deoarece gradina este in renovare nu am putut vizita plantele exotice din sera, dar am vizitat gradina japoneza. Aici sunt cateva poze pentru voi.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

10 000!!!

Finally, we did it! We have now more than 10 000 views, from 58 countries!
Thank you all and... come to visit us soon!

In sfarsit, am reusit! Avem acum peste 10 000 de vizualizari, din 58 de tari!
Multumim tuturor si... veniti sa ne vizitati in curand!

Friday, 17 May 2013

Otvaranje izlozbe u Pedagoškom Muzeju u Beogradu / Exhibition Opening at Pedagogical Museum in Belgrade


Evo nekoliko fotografija i video snimak sa otvaranja izložbe umetničkih radova dece sa posebnim potrebama  iz Beograda u Pedagoškom muzeju.

U takmičarskom delu naša škola je osvojila prvo mesto, a posebno je nagrađen naš učenik Kosta Radović za svoj likovni rad.

Čuli smo da je tango veoma koristan u radu sa decom sa posebnim potrebama  i imali priliku da uživamo u ovom divnom plesu.


Here are some photos and a video from the opening of the exhibition of art works of children with special needs from Belgrade in the Pedagogical Museum .

In the competition part our school won the first place, and  our student, Kosta Radovic, has got special prize for his drawing.

We've heard that the tango is very useful in working with children with special needs and have  had the opportunity to enjoy watching this wonderful dance.


Aici puteti vedea cateva fotografii si un video de la deschiderea expozitiei de lucrari de arta realizate de copiii cu nevoi speciale din Belgrad, din cadrul  Muzeului Pedagogic.
Scoala noastra a castigat primul loc din competitie, in timp ce elevul nostru, Kosta Radovic, a primit premiul special pentru desenul sau.
Am inteles ca tango-ul este de mare folos atnci cand se lucreaza cu copii cu nevoi speciale si am avut ocazia de a viziona acest dans minunat. (by alina)