Saturday, 3 November 2012

Frames /Cadre/ Kadrovi

Hello, everybody, today I re-arranged and added some comments to these frames, extracted from the shootings and photos made by our colleagues, who answered instantly at our request and transformed in our own, wonderful and real Orga team. Thanks to all of them!
These are frames from the aces project opening event taking place in Special Middle School "Constantin Paunescu", Iasi, Romania, in 30'th of October 2012.
Salut tuturor, azi am re-aranjat si am adaugat niste comentarii la aceste cadre, extrase din filmarile si fotografiile facute de colegele noastre, care au raspuns pe loc rugamintilor si s-au transformat in propria, minunata si adevarata noastra Orga team. Multumim tuturor!

Zdravo svima, danas sam sredila ove fotografije i dodala neke komentare, izvučenesa snimanja i sa fotografija koje su sačinile naše kolege koje su spremno odgovorili na našu molbu i time se transformisali u naš sopstveni, divan i stvaran ORGA tim. Hvala puno svima!

Preparations/ Pregatiri/ Pripreme

School Inspectorate sent two representatives, / Inspectoratul Scolar a trimis doi reprezentanti, Mrs. Gabriela Raus, inspector for special/special integrated education and Mrs. Gabriela Conea, inspector for European post-adhesion programs / Školski Inspektorat je poslao dva predstavnika g-đu Gabrielu Raus, inspektora za specijalno/ specijalno integrisano obrazovanje i g-đu Gabrielu Konea, inspektora za evropske programe posle priključivanja EU

Mrs. Gabi Raus from School Inspectorate, our school’s longtime friend
Doamna inspectoare Gabi Raus, vechea prietena a scolii noastre
G-đa Gabi Raus iz Školskog inspektorata, dugogodišnji prijatelj naše škole

Instant recruitment in orga team... 
Recrutare instantanee in Orga Team...
Instantan prijem u Orga tim

Last check
Ultima verificare
Poslednja provera
School manager making his last check...
Directorul scolii face ultima sa verificare
Direktor škole proverava da li je sve spremno...

Mr. Sorin Gabriel Danila, the school headteacher, is making his opening speach 
Domnul Sorin Gabriel Danila, directorul scolii, isi tine discursul de deschidere
Direktor škole, g-din Sorin Gabriel Danila, pozdravlja otvara skup

Orga team on duty
Orga team la datorie
Orga tim u akciji

Ok, this is it, we are at battle stations, ready to start
 Ok, asta e, suntem la posturile de lupta, gata sa incepem
Ok, to je to, mi smo na položaju, spremni da počnemo

Last visual encouragement message
Ultimul mesaj vizual de incurajare
Poslednja vizuelna poruka ohrabrenja

Toma's interview/ Interviul lui Toma
Tomin intervju

Let's restore the equality!
Sa restabilim egalitatea!
Hajde da vratimo jednakost!

Elena's interview
Elenin intervju

"My experience in project management is as long as your age, 14!!! " 
"Experienta mea in management de proiect este la fel de indelungata ca si varsta ta, 14 ani!!! "
"Moje iskustvo u vođenju projekata je dugo koliko ti imaš godina, 14"

The cameraman from National Tv station seems to be omnipresent... but they forgot to announce when they will broadcast us...
Cameramanul de la televiziunea nationala pare a fi omniprezent... dar au uitat sa ne spuna cand ne vor difuza...

Kamerman sa Nacionalne televizije je bio svuda prisutan....samo su zaboravili da nam kažu kada će biti emitovan prilog...

Memories… Sharing of feelings… Wonderful aces people…

Uspomene...Razmena osećanja...Divni aces ljudi...

Amintiri... Impartasirea trairilor... Minunatii oameni aces...

Our National group
Grupul nostru national
Naša nacionalna grupa

We are so proud!
Suntem atat de mandri!
Stvarno smo ponosni!

Presentation of our project team
Prezentarea echipei noastre de proiect
Predstavljanje našeg projektnog tima

Once upon a time there were four dreamers
Nekada davno bila su četiri sanjara

One day, they fulfilled their suitcases with hopes, greater than all their hearts put together and, with unwavering willpower…
Jednog dana oni su napunili kofere snadom, većom od svih njihovih srca zajedno i snažnom voljom

They started along to walk the same road- hardly, 
Krenuli su istim putem zajedno - teškim....

....but of incomparable beauty...
...ali neverovatno lepim...

…the road leading to the fulfilling of their common dream.
...putem koji vodi do ispunjenja zajedničkog sna

Seems it was yesterday when I was a little boy. When the years went away?
Now they say that I am a teenage boy…
Kao da je bilo juče kada sam bio samo dečačić. Gde su sve te godine_
Sada kažu da sam tinejdžer...

Do you REALLY see ME?
Da li STVARNO vidite MENE?

Toma, the blog manager, is presenting “Media voices 4 special teens” project blog
 (“Keep talking until I come back from Tv interview!!!”)
Toma, managerul de blog, prezinta “Media voices 4 special teens”, blogul proiectului
(“Continua sa vorbesti pana ma intorc de la interviul Tv!!!”)
Toma, blog menadžer predstavlja blog projekta "Media voces 4 special teens"

("Nastavi da pričaš dok se ja ne vratim sa intervjua za TV!!!")

The next steps
Pasii urmatori
Sledeći koraci

Toma, you are officialy HIRED!
(Blog manager, volunteer)
Toma, esti oficial angajat!
(Blog manager, voluntar)
Toma, zvanično si PRIMLJEN!
(Blog menadžer, volonter)

Amazing facts about our project
Relatari uimitoare legate de proiectul nostru
Neverovatne činjenice o našem projektu

Mrs. Gabi Raus is giving us her speech
Doamna Gabi Raus ne ofera discursul sau
G-đa Gabi Raus nam se obraća

Doamna Gabriela Conea ne ofera discursul sau
Mrs. Gabriela Conea is giving us her speech
Obraćanje g-đeGabriele Conea

So grateful for your appreciation!
Zahvalni smo vam na doprinosu!

Preparing a surprise for our Serbian partners
Pregatirea unei surprize pentru partenerii din Serbia
Spremamo iznenađenje za nače partnere iz Srbije

Giving directions
Indrumari de regie
Davanje uputstava


(NOW!!!) Good byyyeeee!!!!!!!!
(SADA!!!) Do viđenjaaaa!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Did we worked hard for this? YES!
    Did it worthed it? YES, YES, YES!


Thank you for reading and commenting, we are waiting for you to come back and visit us soon!