Monday, 3 December 2012

Prezentacija projekta i kreativna radionica / Project presentation and creative workshop


U sredu, 28. novembra 2012., u Školi za oštećene sluhom - nagluve "Stefan Dečanski", u Beogradu (Srbija), održana je prezentacija aces projekta "Medijski glasovi za tinejdžere sa posebnim potrebama " i kreativna radionica "Zajedno možemo da napravimo razliku".

Događajima su prisustvovali uprava škole, naši učenici i kolege, predstavnici rumunske partnerske škole        (Specijalna srednja škola "Constantin Paunescu", Jaši), novinari, predstavnici Fakulteta za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju Univerziteta u Beogradu, predstavnici Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije i delegacija učenika sa pedagogom škole Slavicom Čarapić iz lokalne partnerske škole -  Elektrotehničke škole "Stari grad" (Beograd ) - što je našu radionicu učinilo inkluzivnom.

Učenici naše škole družili su se sa vršnjacima iz redovne srednje škole. Zajedno su radili, sarađivali, učili jedni od drugih i lepo se zabavljali. Sklopljena su neka nova prijateljstva, a na kraju radionice učenici obe škole izrazili su želju da se ovakvi susreti i događaji češće organizuju.

Učenici osmog razreda osnovne škole iz Škole za oštećene sluhom - nagluve "Stefan Dečanski", na predlog psihologa škole Nevene Omanović, obišli su radionice koje smo organizovali, u sklopu profesionalne orjentacije za upis u srednju školu.

Na kreativnoj radionici "Zajedno možemo da napravimo razliku" učenici su, prema svijim sklonostima i interesovanjima, mogli da biraju i učestvuju na nekoj od sledećih radionica:
- grafička radionica - gde su na majice naštampavali logo projekta, prethodno kreiran na računaru;
- keramička radionica - gde su izrađivali razne upotrebne predmete od gline;
- tekstilna radionica - gde su dekorisali prethodno napravljene tekstilne proizvode posebnom tehnikom;
- stolarska radionica - gde su oslikavali poslužavnike i druge proizvode od drveta posebnom tehnikom;
- frizerska radionica - gde je svako od prisutnih mogao da se isfenira i napravi frizuru;
- pekarska radionica - naši pekari su za nas napravili sitne kolače (vanilice) i mini pite (ružice).

Zahvaljujemo se svim učesnicima i gostima, a posebno našem divnom ORGA timu ( nastavnicima voditeljima radionica i fortografu Katarini Petrović) , koleginici Slavici Čarapić i njenim đacima iz Elektrotehničke škole "Stari grad" i delegaciji iz partnerske škole - Specijalna srednja škola "Constantin Paunescu" iz Rumunije!!!


On Wednesday, 28 November 2012, School for hearing - impaired pupils "Stefan Decanskii," in Belgrade (Serbia), organised the presentation of the aces project  "Media Voices 4 Special Teens," and creative workshop "Together we can make a difference."

Event was attended by the school mangement, our students and colleagues, representatives of the Romanian partner school (Special Middle School "Constantin Paunescu", Iasi), journalists, representatives of the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation of  Belgrade University, representatives of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia and a delegation of students from  the local partner schools - Electrotechnic School "Stari grad " (Belgrade) with the school pedagogue Slavica Čarapić - which made our workshop inclusive.

Our students mingled with their peers from regular high school. They worked together, cooperated well, learned from each other and had a good fun. Some new friendships were made,also. At the end of the workshop the students from both schools expressed a desire to have such meetings and events organized   more often .

Eighth grade elementary school pupils, from the School for hearing - impaired pupils  "Stefan Decanski,"at  the initiative of school psychologist Nevena Omanovic visited and attended the workshops that we organized as a part of professional orientation process before enrolling in high school.

On the creative workshop "Together we can make a difference," students, according to their own interests, could choose to participate in one of the following workshops:
- Graphics Workshop - where the project logo was printed on T-shirts;
- Ceramic Workshop - where they created various useful items made of clay;
- Textile workshops - where they decorate pre-made textile products with special technique;
- Carpentry workshop - where they painted trays and other wooden products,they produced previously by usung special technique;
- Hairdresser workshop - where each of the participants could style their hair;
- Bakers workshop - our bakers have made small cakes and mini pies  for us.

We thank all the participants and guests, especially our wonderful ORGA team (teachers, workshop leaders and our photgrapher Katarina Petrovic), our colleague Slavica Carapic and her students from the Electrotechnic High  School: "Stari grad" and the delegation from our partner schools - Special Middle Schools"Constantin Paunescu" from Iasi, Romania!!!

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