Saturday, 7 December 2013
14 000... still counting!
Dear friends, nothing compares with the feeling of accomplishment when a good team is building something that lasts for long time! Congrats all of you and thank you!
Friday, 6 December 2013
Media literacy magazine
Dear friends,
we want to tell you that our project "Media Voices 4 Special Teens" has been published by Evens Foundation (Belgium), in cooperation with the Institute for Media Research and Media Education (Germany), in a manual, titled "Media Literacy In Europe: 12 Good Practices That Will Inspire You".
The manual is avaliable online at: .
we want to tell you that our project "Media Voices 4 Special Teens" has been published by Evens Foundation (Belgium), in cooperation with the Institute for Media Research and Media Education (Germany), in a manual, titled "Media Literacy In Europe: 12 Good Practices That Will Inspire You".
The manual is avaliable online at: .
Monday, 21 October 2013
Drugi o nama: "Večernje novosti"/ From other sources:"Večernje novosti"
U prilogu je tekst o Školi za oštećene sluhom-nagluve "Stefan Dečanski". objavljen u štampanom i online izdanju dnevnog lista "Večernje novosti", dana 21. oktobra 2013. godine. U tekstu se pominju i naši aces projekti i međunarodna saradnja.
Here is a text about the School for hearing-impaired pupils "Stefan Decanski" from Belgrade that was published in printed and online issue of the daily magazine "Vecernje novosti" on 21 October 2013. The text was created as a result of a journalist's visit to our school and it explains who we are and what we do and there is also mentioned our work on previous and current aces projects.
Here is a text about the School for hearing-impaired pupils "Stefan Decanski" from Belgrade that was published in printed and online issue of the daily magazine "Vecernje novosti" on 21 October 2013. The text was created as a result of a journalist's visit to our school and it explains who we are and what we do and there is also mentioned our work on previous and current aces projects.
Novosti u školi za oštećene sluhom „Stefan Dečanski“
J. SKENDERIJA | 21. oktobar 2013. 08:16 | Komentara: 0
Reporteri „Novosti“ u poseti školi za oštećene sluhom - nagluve „Stefan Dečanski“ u Beogradu. Na jednom mestu se za život osposobljavaju deca od dve godine, ali i mladi ljudi od 20 leta
ZGRADA u prestoničkoj ulici Svetozara Markovića sa brojem 85 nimalo ne podseća na obrazovnu ustanovu. Nema trčanja kroz hodnik, sedenja po prozorima, a ispred ulaza nijednog pušača. Na ulazu tabla - Škola za oštećene sluhom - nagluve „Stefan Dečanski“. Prva vrata levo - direktor. Iznenađenje za svakog ko prvi put kroči u objekat. Obično su rukovodioci na poslednjem spratu i često vam treba vodič da biste ih pronašli.
Ljubazan doček Leposave Petrović, direktorke, otkriva nam da se ovde i najveće roditeljske muke i problemi brzo rešavaju. Za 178 učenika sa oštećenim sluhom iz cele Srbije ovo mesto je prozor u svet. Za mame i tate
način da svoje naslednike uključe u normalan život.
Vesele boje zidova na kojima stoje radovi učenika, vrata učionica ofarbana u zeleno, žuto, narandžasto, puno crteža, fontana u hodniku... Nijedan detalj ne odaje utisak da ste u školi. Ovde se na jednom mestu za život osposobljavaju deca od dve godine, ali i mladi ljudi od 20 leta. Oni su jedina škola u Srbiji gde kohlearna implamentacija nije bauk, pošto se bave rehabilitacijom dece sa takozvanim veštačkim uhom.
ŠKOLE U SRBIJIU Srbiji postoji nekoliko škola za gluvu i nagluvu decu. U Kragujevcu je 1927. godine osnovana obrazovna ustanova sa internatom, 1957. počelo je sa radom i prvo odeljenje u Užicu, postoje još i u Subotici, Jagodini...
Punih 115 godina stručni tim škole „Stefan Dečanski“ osposobljava decu da se uključe u redovan sistem školovanja. Na čelu tima direktorka Lepa, čija su vrata uvek otvorena za mame i tate čiji mališani imaju oštećenja sluha.
- Anamneza roditelja je od velikog značaja za naš rad - objašnjava direktorka. - Poseban akcenat stavili smo na uzrast od 18 meseci do tri godine. Vrlo je važno da se na vreme reaguje, jer to je pola uspeha. Ako deca ne reaguju na zvečke, zvukove iz okoline, mamin glas kada je ne vide, prvi su znaci da problem sa sluhom postoji. Kod nas deca dolaze sa velikim problemom, a kada nas napuste čujemo se mobilnim telefonom.
U jaslenom delu na terapiji smo zatekli malu Jovanu i njene roditelje. Ima nešto malo više od godinu i po dana. Osmeh joj ne silazi sa lica, okice joj se cakle... Našem fotoreporteru sve vreme pozira. Devojčica kao i sve ostale. Međutim, ona će u redovan vrtić tek za nekoliko godina, kada nastavnica Sonja Popović proceni da može. Sada uporno vežba i već posle nekoliko terapija počela je da reaguje na zvuk.
U sobi pored, predškolci. Tri dečaka savladavaju osnovne matematičke pojmove. Među njima i Kristijan, ili Kića, kako ga svi zovu. On će posle trogodišnje terapije na jesen u redovnu školu. Prvi put nas vidi, ali nema problem u komunikaciji. Čak je i potpisnicu ovih redova, oslovio: „Je-le-na!“ Radost na licu vaspitačice nije se mogla sakriti. Oni se uspesima zajedno raduju.
- Neophodna nam je dobra saradnja sa roditeljima - objašnjava direktorka Lepa. - Oni rade zajedno sa nama da bismo i njih osposobili za život sa decom. U predškolskom programu imamo od 20 do 28 dece i sa njima radimo na razvoju govora, matematičkim pojmovima, likovnom izražavanju, muzičkim i stimulacijama pokretom...
Dok obilazimo objekat, kojem na urednosti i higijeni, može pozavideti svaka škola u Srbiji, direktorka Lepa mora na sastanak sa nastavnicama OŠ „Filip Filipović“ iz beogradskog naselja Voždovac. Zaintersovani su za saradnju i podršku u radu sa učenicima...
USPESISVAKE godine iz odeljenja, koja u ovoj školi broje pet-šest učenika, u redovan sistem obrazovanja krenu dvoje dece. Prošle školske godine uspeli su da osposobe dva svršena osnovca da nastave školovanje jedan u srednjoj Dizajnerskoj, a drugi u Zubotehničkoj školi.
UČENICI škole „Stefan Dečanski“ učestvuju na međunarodnim projektima kao partner sa obrazovnim ustanovama iz inostranstva. Na prošlogodišnjem takmičenju „Medijski glasovi za tinejdžere“ dobili su jednu od pet specijalnih nagrada i na taj način ušli u internacionalnu bazu podataka, a projekat je postao deo priručnika koji prikazuje najbolje primere evropske prakse. Ove godine škola će učestvovati u projektu „Različitost“ sa školama iz Rumunije i Bugarske. Interesantno je da učenici između sebe komuniciraju na engleskom jeziku!
PRIJEM učenika u školu „Stefan Dečanski“ obavlja stručni tim u čijem su sastavu defektolog, psiholog i socijalni radnik. Osnovnu delatnost u školi obavljaju defektolozi (surdopedagozi i logopedi), nastavnici različitih obrazovnih profila, psiholozi i socijalni radnik.
Profesionalna rehabilitacija u trajanju od jedne ili tri godine u zavisnosti od sposobnosti učenika ide kroz nekoliko različitih profila. Sarađuju sa redovnim vrtićima, osnovnim i srednjim školama, jer je krajnji cilj rehabilitacije uključivanje dece u redovan sistem, tamo gde postoji mogućnost.
Friday, 27 September 2013
Dan evropskih jezika/European Day of Languages
26. septembar je Dan evropskih jezika. Za sve zainteresovane evo nekih linkova:
26 September is European Day of Languages.For all who wants to know more about this here are some links:
26 September is European Day of Languages.For all who wants to know more about this here are some links:
Monday, 12 August 2013
A message for the International Youth Day
Happy International Youth Day!
E&T Battle Station is moving forward to a brand new project!
We have now a Youth in Action project, a local initiative in Iasi, Romania, named: "R U Connected?" . We just had our very first project meeting and we took the opportunity to record a message for The International Youth Day 2013 that it is celebrated today.
The video message is according to the theme of this year :
Happy International Youth Day!
E&T Battle Station is moving forward to a brand new project!
We have now a Youth in Action project, a local initiative in Iasi, Romania, named: "R U Connected?" . We just had our very first project meeting and we took the opportunity to record a message for The International Youth Day 2013 that it is celebrated today.
The video message is according to the theme of this year :
"Youth Migration: Moving Development Forward."
You can watch our message on Youtube, here:
Thank you for watching and come back, the best is yet to come!
Elena and Toma (a.k.a. E&T Battle Station)
Saturday, 27 July 2013
Iz "Politike" / From "Politika"
U dnevnim novinama "Politika" , 17. aprila 2013., na strani 7, u rubrici "Društvo", objavljen je tekst autora Sandre Gucijan o nasem aces projektu i nagradi za specijalna postignuća u oblasti inovativnog učenja, koju je naša škola osvojila.
Zahvaljujemo se redakciji lista "Politika" na dozvoli da ovaj tekst objavimo na blogu.
The daily newspaper "Politika" published an article by Sandra Gucijan about our aces project and award for special achievements in the field of innovative learning, which our school has received, in the rubric "Society", on 17 April 2013.
We are grateful to the editorial staff of "Politika" newspaper for giving us the permission to publish this article on our blog.
Теxt translation (by Google)
Another international award for a school from Serbia
School for hearing impaired "Stefan Decanski" from Belgrade is the winner of the Academy of Central European Schools (ACES) award for innovative cross-border project on media literacy.
The award was presented at a ceremony in the Slovak town of Senec, from 9 to 12 April, with the participation of 230 students and teachers, as well as representatives of the ministries of
education from 15 countries.
The aim of the Serbian award-winning projects, which was produced with partner school "Constantin Păunescu" from Romania, is to raise awareness on the problems of children with special needs.
Serbia has been a part of the cross-border network of schools since 2007. Competitions for school projects are published every year, and so far 37 schools from Serbia have participated in ACES. This year's project involved more than 400 schools from the region, and of these, 107 schools received the grant, and the International jury awarded the five best projects.
New ACES Contest on the theme"I and others: Discovering diversity in and around me" is still open. Schools in Serbia can submit their project proposals until 30 April, and students can foundmore information at ACES Network was founded by Erste Foundation in 2006. Today. 15 countries are members of the network.
S. G
U dnevnim novinama "Politika" , 17. aprila 2013., na strani 7, u rubrici "Društvo", objavljen je tekst autora Sandre Gucijan o nasem aces projektu i nagradi za specijalna postignuća u oblasti inovativnog učenja, koju je naša škola osvojila.
Zahvaljujemo se redakciji lista "Politika" na dozvoli da ovaj tekst objavimo na blogu.
The daily newspaper "Politika" published an article by Sandra Gucijan about our aces project and award for special achievements in the field of innovative learning, which our school has received, in the rubric "Society", on 17 April 2013.
We are grateful to the editorial staff of "Politika" newspaper for giving us the permission to publish this article on our blog.
Теxt translation (by Google)
Another international award for a school from Serbia
School for hearing impaired "Stefan Decanski" from Belgrade is the winner of the Academy of Central European Schools (ACES) award for innovative cross-border project on media literacy.
The award was presented at a ceremony in the Slovak town of Senec, from 9 to 12 April, with the participation of 230 students and teachers, as well as representatives of the ministries of
education from 15 countries.
The aim of the Serbian award-winning projects, which was produced with partner school "Constantin Păunescu" from Romania, is to raise awareness on the problems of children with special needs.
Serbia has been a part of the cross-border network of schools since 2007. Competitions for school projects are published every year, and so far 37 schools from Serbia have participated in ACES. This year's project involved more than 400 schools from the region, and of these, 107 schools received the grant, and the International jury awarded the five best projects.
New ACES Contest on the theme"I and others: Discovering diversity in and around me" is still open. Schools in Serbia can submit their project proposals until 30 April, and students can foundmore information at ACES Network was founded by Erste Foundation in 2006. Today. 15 countries are members of the network.
S. G
Saturday, 20 July 2013
Sunday, 2 June 2013
Kреативна школa/ Creative School
„Креативна школа“ је део Мicrosoft програма „Партнер у учењу“ који се остварује у 115 земаља света. Конкурс „Креативна школа 2012/2013.“ намењен је наставницима и стручним сарадницима у основним и средњим школама у Републици Србији, чији радови представљају примере добре праксе наставе и остваривања образовно-васпитних циљева применом информационих технологија. (извор:
Једна од тема овогодишњег конкурса била је пројектна настава. На конкурсу смо представили нашу кретивну радионицу "Заједно можемо да превазиђемо разлике", реализоване у оквиру aces пројекта "Медијски гласови за тинејџере са посебним потребама".
Наша презентација ушла је у "базу знања" за средње стручне школе.
Резултате конкурса можете погледати на
Microsoft, through the Microsoft’s program “Partners in Learning”, has repeatedly organized an open competition “Creative school” on a yearly basis and presented its results, as the best and prominent examples of innovation in education on the “Creative school”
The open competition is organized for the teams of K12 teachers. The aim of this open competition is to affirm teachers’ creative work and to create the base of exemplary works. This open competition promotes the examples for good education practice, promotes the collaboration and team work in schools, and develops the aspect of training through the exchange of teaching experiences, based on modern IT technology application. The best works received for open competition are used for the creating the “Knowledge Base” and can be found on the following web address:www.kreativnaskola.rsAs one of the themes for this years' "Creative School" contest was project classes, we apllied with the presentation of our creative workshop "Together we can make a difference" as a part of our aces project " Media Voices 4 Special teens".
Our presentation has entered "Knowledge Base" of good practice examples for secondary schools.
Competition results can be seen at
Sunday, 26 May 2013
MESTO ZA NAS 049 - Fleksibilno inkluzivno obrazovanje /A PLACE FOR US 049 - Flexible Inclusive Education
.Објављено у 21.05.2013
(Emisija o osobama s invaliditetom MESTO ZA NAS (RTS)
Urednik i voditelj: Milan Dobričić
Četrdeset deveta emisija
Datum emitovanja: 18.04.2013.
Tema: Fleksibilno inkluzivno obrazovanje
Tema ove emisije o osobama s invaliditetom MESTO ZA NAS je fleksibilno inkluzivno obrazovanje, tj. pronalaženje konkretnog rešenja za učenika koje najbolje odgovara njegovim potrebama. Osoba sa integritetom je poznati američki filmski reditelj. Posetili smo najstariju školu za gluve i nagluve učenike, govorili o značaju ugradnje kohlearnog implanta. Osoba sa identitetom je svestrani Aleksandar Marković iz Kragujevca. Zabeležili smo i akciju u Beloj Crkvi povodom Svetskog dana autizma i meseca svesti o autizmu. Bili smo i na utakmici košarke u kolicima između beogradske i čačanske ekipe.
- Prilog o fleksibilnom rešenju za upis u školu
- Prilog o školi za gluvu i nagluvu decu "Stefan Dečanski" u Beogradu
- Prilog o ugradnji kohlearnog implanta
- OSOBE SA IDENTITETOM: Aleksandar Marković
- Prilog iz Bele Crkve o obeležavanju Svetskog dana autizma
Urednik i voditelj: Milan Dobričić
Četrdeset deveta emisija
Datum emitovanja: 18.04.2013.
Tema: Fleksibilno inkluzivno obrazovanje
Tema ove emisije o osobama s invaliditetom MESTO ZA NAS je fleksibilno inkluzivno obrazovanje, tj. pronalaženje konkretnog rešenja za učenika koje najbolje odgovara njegovim potrebama. Osoba sa integritetom je poznati američki filmski reditelj. Posetili smo najstariju školu za gluve i nagluve učenike, govorili o značaju ugradnje kohlearnog implanta. Osoba sa identitetom je svestrani Aleksandar Marković iz Kragujevca. Zabeležili smo i akciju u Beloj Crkvi povodom Svetskog dana autizma i meseca svesti o autizmu. Bili smo i na utakmici košarke u kolicima između beogradske i čačanske ekipe.
- Prilog o fleksibilnom rešenju za upis u školu
- Prilog o školi za gluvu i nagluvu decu "Stefan Dečanski" u Beogradu
- Prilog o ugradnji kohlearnog implanta
- OSOBE SA IDENTITETOM: Aleksandar Marković
- Prilog iz Bele Crkve o obeležavanju Svetskog dana autizma
- Prilog o košarci u kolicima-
IZMEĐU 9.40 I 13.07
IZMEĐU 9.40 I 13.07
Posted in 21.05.2013
(The show about people with disabilities A PLACE FOR US (RTS)
The editor and director Milan Dobričić
Forty-nine shows
Issue Date: 18.04.2013.
Subject: Flexible inclusive education
The theme of this issue of persons with disabilities "A place for us" is a flexible inclusive education, that is. finding a concrete solution for the students to best fit their needs. A person with integrity is a famous American film director. We visited the oldest school for the deaf and hard of hearing students, talked about the importance of installing the cochlear implant. The person with the identity of the versatile Aleksandar Markovic from Kragujevac. We have noted and action at the Bela Crkva on the occasion of autism awareness month. We were at the game of basketball in a wheelchair between Belgrade and Cacak team
- Schedule a flexible solution for school
- Contribution about the school for deaf and hard of hearing children, "Stefan Decanski" in Belgrade
- Anchor installation of cochlear implants
- PEOPLE WITH IDENTITY: Alexander Markovich
- Contribution from Bela Crkva on the celebration of World Autism Day
- Contribution to the wheelchair-basketball
BETWEEN 9:40 AND 13:07
Posted in 21.05.2013
(The show about people with disabilities A PLACE FOR US (RTS)
The editor and director Milan Dobričić
Forty-nine shows
Issue Date: 18.04.2013.
Subject: Flexible inclusive education
The theme of this issue of persons with disabilities "A place for us" is a flexible inclusive education, that is. finding a concrete solution for the students to best fit their needs. A person with integrity is a famous American film director. We visited the oldest school for the deaf and hard of hearing students, talked about the importance of installing the cochlear implant. The person with the identity of the versatile Aleksandar Markovic from Kragujevac. We have noted and action at the Bela Crkva on the occasion of autism awareness month. We were at the game of basketball in a wheelchair between Belgrade and Cacak team
- Schedule a flexible solution for school
- Contribution about the school for deaf and hard of hearing children, "Stefan Decanski" in Belgrade
- Anchor installation of cochlear implants
- PEOPLE WITH IDENTITY: Alexander Markovich
- Contribution from Bela Crkva on the celebration of World Autism Day
- Contribution to the wheelchair-basketball
BETWEEN 9:40 AND 13:07
Monday, 20 May 2013
Easter Fair at Golia
Anul acesta copiii Scolii Gimnaziale Speciale "Constantin Paunescu" Iasi au participat la targul cu vanzare "De Pasti la Golia". Pentru acest targ, elevii scolii noastre au confectionat numeroase produse cu tema pascala. Activitatea s-a desfasurat in parteneriat cu Asociatia "Centrul de Promovare Turistica' Iasi.
This year, the students from Special Middle School 'Constanti Paunescu" Iasi have actively participated at the fair "Easter time at Golia". For this fair our students manufactured many products designed to celebrate Easter. Our partner for this activity was the "Tourism Promotion Centre" from Iasi.
This year, the students from Special Middle School 'Constanti Paunescu" Iasi have actively participated at the fair "Easter time at Golia". For this fair our students manufactured many products designed to celebrate Easter. Our partner for this activity was the "Tourism Promotion Centre" from Iasi.
Sunday, 19 May 2013
Poseta Botaničkoj bašti u Beogradu /Visit to Botanical Garden in Belgrade
Sa nastavnicom biologije posetili smo Botaničku baštu "Jevremovac" u Beogradu. Videli smo interesantne i lepe biljke i naučili nešto o njima. Pošto se bašta renovira nismo mogli da vidimo egzotične biljke u stakleniku, ali smo uživali u Japanskom vrtu. Evo nekoliko fotografija da vidite kako smo se proveli.
With a biology teacher, we visited the Botanical Garden "Jevremovac" in Belgrade. We saw someinteresting and beautiful plants and learnt about them.As a garden is currently under reconstruction we couldn't see the exotic plants in the greenhouse, but we enjoyed the Japanese garden. Here are a few pictures for you to see how it looked like.
Impreuna cu un profesor de biology am vizitat Gradina Botanica "Jevremovac' din Belgrad. Am vazut cateva plante frumoase si interesante si am invatat lucruri noi despre acestea. Deoarece gradina este in renovare nu am putut vizita plantele exotice din sera, dar am vizitat gradina japoneza. Aici sunt cateva poze pentru voi.
Saturday, 18 May 2013
10 000!!!
Finally, we did it! We have now more than 10 000 views, from 58 countries!
Thank you all and... come to visit us soon!
In sfarsit, am reusit! Avem acum peste 10 000 de vizualizari, din 58 de tari!
Multumim tuturor si... veniti sa ne vizitati in curand!
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