Sunday, 28 April 2013

Uskršnja izložba ispred Hrama Svetog Save / Eastern exhibition in front of the St. Sava Temple


U subotu 27. aprila, ispred Hrama Svetog Save, na Vračaru, održana je tradicionalna prodajna  Uskršnja izložba radova dece sa smetnjama u razvoju iz svih beogradskih specijalnih škola.

Vest o ovom događaju objavljena je na nekoliko internet stranica:

I naša škola je učestvovala na ovoj izložbi, pa evo nekoliko fotografija sa jučerašnjeg događaja.


On Saturday, 27 April, in front of the  Saint Sava Temple in Belgrade,  the traditional Easter selling exhibition of products of children with disabilities, from all Belgrade special schools, was held.

News of this event were posted on several websites:

Our school participated in this event, so here are few photos from yesterday.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Iz "Blic"- a i drugih online medija / From "Blic" and other online media


Ovo je vest iz dnevnog lista "Blic", od 12. aprila o našem aces projektu "Medijski glasovi za tinejdžere sa posebnim potrebama" i nagradi za inovativno učenje koju smo dobili na aces Akademiji 2013 u Senecu (Slovačka).

Škola za oštećene sluhom i nagluve "Stefan Dečanski" osvojila nagradu Akademije srednjeevropskih škola

Škola za oštećene sluhom - nagluve „Stefan Dečanski“ iz Beograda je dobitnica nagrade Akademije srednjeevropskih škola (ACES) za inovativni prekogranični projekat na temu medijske pismenosti.

Dobitnici iz Srbije
   Nagrada je dodeljena na svečanosti u slovačkom gradu Senecu. ACES je jedna od najvećih prekograničnih školskih mreža u Evropi koju čini 15 partnerskih zemalja. Više od 400 škola je učestvovalo u ovogodišnjem projektu, a od tog broja, 107 škola je primilo donaciju, dok je međunarodni stručni žiri nagradio pet najinovativnijih projekata.

Cilj projekta, rađen sa partnerskom školom „Constantin Paunescu“ iz Rumunije, je da podigne svest o problemimа dece sа posebnim potrebаmа. Orgаnizovane su rаdionice gde su učenici izrađivali zаnаtske proizvode. Kanali komunikacije korišćeni tokom projekta su čаsopis "Rаzvitаk" i trojezični blog na srpskom, engleskom i rumunskom jeziku „Medijski glаsovi za posebne tinejdžere“.

Na dodeli ACES nagrade u slovačkom gradu Senecu, od 12.aprila je učestvovalo 230 studenata i nastavnika, kao i predstavniciministarstava obrazovanja iz 15 zemalja. Među njima su bili i učenici i nastavnici iz škole „Stefan Dečanski“.

Školske delegacije su predstavile rezultate svojih zajedničkih projekata i podelile među sobom iskustva i znanja stečena tokom ovog projekta.

Srbijaje deo prekogranične mreže škola od 2007. godine. Konkursi za školske projekte se objavljuju svake godine, a do sada je 37 škola iz Srbije učestvovalo u programu ACES.

Novi konkus ACES na temu „Ja i drugi: Otkrivanje raznovrsnosti oko mene i u meni“ je još uvek otvoren. Škole iz Srbije mogu da podnesu predloge svojih projekata do 30.aprila.

Mrežu ACES osnovala je ERSTE fondacija 2006. godine. Danas mreža broji 15 država. Za koordinaciju inicijative zaduženi su neprofitne organizacije Interkulturalni centar iz Austrije i VČELI DOM iz Slovačke, uz podršku Ministarstva obrazovanja svih zemalja članica.

Svake godine se održava takmičenje za najbolje projekte unutar školskog partnerstva. Međunarodni žiri bira najbolje projekte koji dobijaju novčanu nagradu. Nagrađene škole dobijaju podršku tokom realizacije svojih projekata i pozvane su na međunarodne sastanke mreže, kao što je ovaj u Senecu.


Here is an article about aces, our project "Media Voices 4 Special Teens" and the award for innovative lerning that we have received at the aces Academy 2013 in Senec (Slovakia). 


School for hearing impaired apupils "Stefan Decanski," won the Academy of  Central European Schools Award

BLIC | 12 04th 2013th - 16:28 h | 1

School for hearing impaired pupils "Stefan Decanski," from Belgrade, is  the Academy of Central European Schools  (ACES)  Award winner for innovative cross-border project on media literacy.

Winners from Serbia
The award was presented at a ceremony in the Slovakian town of Senec. ACES one of of the largest cross-border school networks in Europe consisting of 15 partner countries. More than 400 schools participated in this year's project, and of that number, 107 schools received the grant, and is an international expert jury awarded the five most innovative projects.
The aim of the project , that was done with the partner school "Constantin Păunescu" from Romania, is to raise awareness of the problems of children with special needs. Workshops were organized where students made handicraft products. The communication channels used in the project include the school magazine "Development" and trilingual blog in English, Serbian and Romanian "Media voices 4special teens."
Final ACES Ceremony was held in the Slovak town of Senec, from  9 to 12 April and was attended by 230 students and teachers, as well as representatives of the Ministires of  education from 15 countries. Among them were students and teachers from the school "Stefan Decanski."
School delegation presented the results of their joint projects and shared with each other experience and knowledge gained during this project.
Serbia jis a member of this  of cross-border network of schools since 2007. Competitions for school projects are published every year, and so far 37 schools from Serbia participated in ACES.
New  ACES concurs on the theme of diversitz, titled  "Me and others: Discovering the diversity around me and in me" is still open. Schools in Serbia can submit their project proposals by 30 April.
ACES Network  was founded by Erste Foundation in the year 2006th. Today the network consists of 15 states. Non-profit organization Intercultural Centre in Austria and VČELI DOM from Slovakia, are responsible for coordinating this initiatives, with the support of the Ministry of Education of the member countries.
Each year a contest for the best projects within the school partnership is open. An international jury selects the best projects that receive a cash prize. The winning schools receive support during the implementation of their projects and have been invited to international meetings of the network, such as this in Senec.

Ovu vest  su preneli i drugi internet portali, pa evo nekih linkova. / This article was published on some other internet portals - so here are some links:

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Успели смо! / We did it!!!

Успели смо!

Овај сан смо дуго сањали... Тачније од првог састанка у Лашком (Словенија), aces Kick-off Meeting-a  у септембру 2012. године, па до свечане ACES академије , априлa 2013., Сенецу (Словачка). 
Добили смо награду за иновативно учење. Тома, Елена, Ива и ја не бисмо успели без помоћи волонтера, наставника и професора обе школе, ђака (који су дали свој максимум и показали изузетну храброст појавивши се у медијима ). Ових пар месеци је било напорно, исцрпљујуће, пуно жртвовања, али се исплатило! Када сам видела осмехе на Еленином, Ивином и Томином   лицу ( а он се скоро никада не смеши, а када се насмеши било је веома кисело - сада је његов омех био искрен и пун поноса ) - била сам поносна што сам члан оваквог тима, али не само због награде, већ због велике блискости. Јако сам се везала за њих, што се могло видети када смо узимали награду... Успела сам да савладам многе препреке, а неке не скроз...Сви су нас похвалили за презентацију, за коју је заслужна Елена. Доказали смо оно што сам хтела: ИАКО СМО РАЗЛИЧИТИ - ЈЕДНАКИ СМО! 
Најдражи део ми је био када нас је Хајнц прозвао за награду, показавши људима аплауз на знаковном језику и када сам ја,свима на церемонији, на знаковном језику  рекла "Добро вече, како сте?" 
Поносна сам  што сам  члан ACES-а!

Елена, Тома... жао ми је што смо се растали, били сте одлични партнери, драго ми је што смо сарађивали. Пуно среће на следећим пројектима. Надам се да ћемо сарађивати на још неким пројектима сем на ACES-у.

Хвала свима који су били уз нас!


We did it!

This dream we have long dreamed ... from the first meeting, 
aces Kick-off,

 in Lasko (Slovenia),  in September 2012 until the ACES Academy in April 2013, in Senec (Slovakia).

We have obtained a prize for innovative learning. Toma, Elena, Iva and I would not have managed without the help of volunteers, teachers of both schools, students (who have given their best and showed great courage by appearing in the media). These few months were hard, exhausting, a lot of sacrifice, but it was worth it! When I saw the smiles on Elena, Iva and Toma's face (and he almost never smiles, and when he smiled, it was very sour - now his smile was honest and full of pride) - I was proud to be a member of this team, but not only for the prize, but because of high affinity. I was very attached to them, which could be seen when we were on the stage while receiving the prize ... I was able to overcome many obstacles, and some I still have to work on ... All the way we were praised for the presentation, which was sreated by Elena. We have proved what I wanted: ALTHOUGH WE ARE DIFFERENT -WE'RE EVEN!
My favorite part was when 

called us for the  Award, showing people round applause in sign language, and when I 
said, to everybody at the ceremony, 
"Good evening, how are you?"

 in sign language, 
I am proud to be a member of ACES!

Elena, Toma ... I'm sorry we parted, you have been great partners, I'm glad we worked together. Good luck on your next projects. I hope we can work together again on some other projects, not only in the ACES world.
Thanks to all who were with us!

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Press release in "Romania libera" about Romanian schools awarded at the Academy in Senec- Danke, Erste Stiftung!/ Articol in "Romania libera" despre scolile din Romania premiate la Academia din Senec- Danke, Erste Stiftung!

Elena Eigel a trimis acest link la un articol din Romania libera despre proiectul aces si blog.

The National College "Sadoveanu" from Paşcani and Special Middle School "Constantin Păunescu" from Iaşi were awarded by the Academy of Central European Schools for their projects within the competition "Understanding Media".

This year, over 100 schools have registered to the Academy of Central European Schools and an international jury of experts awarded five most innovative projects.

The project of the National College “Sadoveanu” -  "Growing up with cartoons"  -  focused on two objectives: to show the influence that the content of today's cartoon has on children and to create a link between past and present cartoons.

"Participating at the activities of the project was a great experience for both teachers and especially the students involved. It was a project made from our hearts, with dedication and we, as teachers, became more aware of the imagination, tolerance and understanding our young students. We also had the opportunity to work with young people from other countries, to see other civilizations, to understand other civilizations and these were the most important motivations for our students to continue to get involved in projects.", commented Mihaela Constantina Vătafu, project coordinator and teacher at the National College "Sadoveanu" in Paşcani.

The project "Media Voices 4 special teens" coordinated by Special Middle School "Constantin Paunescu" from Iaşi aims at raising the public attention to the specific problems of teens with special educational needs. The project aimed to demonstrate that young people with special needs can and should become active members of their communities and should not be regarded as people who need assistance.

"The implementation of this project gave me the opportunity to know my colleague teachers better and they proved to be very enthusiastic, affectionate and devoted to help children with special educational needs. I warmly thank to all those who made possible this enchanted place called acesLAND, I am grateful to them for the atmosphere and spirit of the place (that we tried to bring back tome with us in suitcases), for all the words of encouragement and the advice given, for the warmth we were received with and for all their patience and willingness! We expect and hope to go back there again! " said Elena Eigel, project coordinator and special education teacher at Special Middle School "Constantin Paunescu " from Iaşi.

Approximately 230 students and teachers, representatives of the Ministries of Education and education experts from 15 different countries gathered last week in Senec, Slovakia, for the closing ceremony of the Academy of Central European Schools, the 2012-2013 edition. Among them were representatives of the winning schools in Romania. During the meeting, school representatives presented the results of their projects with the theme "Understanding Media" and exchanged their experience with representatives of other participating schools.

Every year, within aces, there is a contest for school projects based on international partnerships. Romania is part of the international network of these schools since 2006. So far over 63 schools in Romania have successfully participated in these programmes.

The topic of the 2013-2014 cycle is "I and the others. Discovering diversity around and within me" and project proposals must be submitted by April 30. In today's society, diversity has changed from exception to norm: people from different ethnic groups, religions, ages, genders and sexual orientations coexist and should be treated equally. Schools, especially school projects as these, allow students to interact with people from different cultures and learn from each other. Thus, students begin to see the world with different eyes, which will generate critical thinking, greater openness and creativity - essential qualities for our world.

Academy of Central European Schools was initiated in 2006 by the Erste Foundation. The project is coordinated by VČELÍ DOM (Slovakia) and Interkulturelles Zentrum (Austria) and is supported by the Ministries of Education in all 15 participating countries. The main objective is to create conditions for intercultural dialogue and cooperation between students and to create a permanent network of common knowledge, methods of learning and innovation. Approximately 23,000 students and 3,000 teachers from 15 countries took part in the previous editions of aces contests.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Natasha and Toma, our true heroes from Senec!/ Natasha si Toma, adevaratii nostri eroi de la Senec!/Nataša i Toma - naši heroji iz Seneca

They look like siblings, but they come from different countries and different types of schools. They surprised us, Iva and me, every single moment, by showing us the true means of concepts like passion, devotion, love, care, kindness, maturity, generosity, patience, dreams, pure innocence, hope, desires, hard-work, power of change, adaptability, humanity, friendship, sensitivity, connection, courage, strength, commitment with body and soul, with heart and mind . Yes, the teens are unstoppable when they put something in their minds and they have the power to melt the hearts and to move mountains, I am the witness!
Here are the links to Vimeo, for:
-the video of their performing at the Academy, where they had a significant contribution at our prize (the script could be read below):
- the media presentation that we prepared for this event (special thanks to Ionela -Elena Pinzariu, the tutor-volunteer that contributed with Toma at the musical cover):

And here is the script of their performance:

Senec script
Natasha: SL: (normal speed) Hello! Good afternoon! How are you?
Toma: Hamjambo! Habari ya mchana! Habari yako?[Translates in Swahili what Natasha sais] ...  
Natasha: SL: (the fastest possible, doesn’t matter if comprehensible) I am Natasha and I am from Serbia. He is Toma and he is from Romania.
Toma: …Sielewi, tafadhali sema polepole. Asante sana.[from Swahili: Please, speak slower. I don’t understand.] (Natasha stops) (Toma: SL for Thank you)

Natasha:We know that most of you don’t understand sign language!
Toma: ..or  Swahili… it was just an empathy game, to make you understand better the teens that we represent here.  
Natasha: Hello, I am Natasha and I am from School “Stefan Dechanski”, Belgrade, Serbia.
Toma:I am Toma and I represent the teens from School “Constantin Paunescu”, Iasi, Romania.We are presenting you the project: 
Natasha: “Media voices for special teens”.
Toma:Natasha, we don’t have too much time to show how much we achieved!
 Natasha: No! This is why I invite you to play another game!
Toma: What game?!
 Natasha:The association game!
Toma:OK, let’s do it! And for more fun,let’s start the video presentation too! 3-2-1 start!

-       1)The beginnings
-        Five days before deadline, success, Lasko, hopes, dreams
-       2)Why?
-       Teens, special needs, interface, support, public awareness
-       3)Good start            
-       Opening events, our first presentations, public interest, t-shirts, badges
-       4)Project meetings
-       Belgrade, 115th anniversary , Iasi, excursion, friendship
-       5)Project  activities
-        Roundtables, artistic productions, public awareness
-       6)And more activities
-       Workshops, fundraising campaigns, rain, cold, brave students, brave teachers, no fear, many smiles, public appreciation, self-esteem, communities
-       7) Raising awareness
-       Roundtables, artistic productions, community, talented special teens, smiling and patient teachers, public sensitivity
-       8) Media
-       National, local, Tv, radio, journals, on-line media, reports, interviews, live trilingual shows, public awareness
-       9) Our own media tools
-       Razvitak school magazine-presentations project; project blog, six bloggers, trilingual, more than 8 thousands views, one hundred and thirty posts, more than fourthy countries around the world, pride
-       10)aces dance
-       Fun, friendship, aces spirit
-       11)Local partners
-       Long term friendship, strong communities, tutors volunteers  
-       12)  Our project people
-       Friends, smiles, bonding, heroes
-       13) Success
-       Climbing mountains, growing together

Natasha: We did it!
Toma: Indeed, we did it, our results are three times more than we expected! We are so grateful for that.
Natasha:We are very proud of ourproject people!
Toma: They worked hard and they proved that special teens are able to be valuable and active citizens into their communities.
 For more information about our project please visit our pinboard, our exhibition of products and our blog, www-dot-aces128-dot-blogspot-dot-com.
 Natasha: Thanks for watching us.
Toma: Good bye and good luck!


Arata ca frații, dar provin din diferite țări și diferite tipuri de școli. Ei ne-au surprins, pe Iva și pe mine, în fiecare moment, arătându-ne semnificatiile reale ale conceptelor cum ar fi pasiune, devotament, dragoste, grijă, bunătate, maturitate, generozitate, răbdare, vise, inocența pură, speranță, dorințe, muncă din greu, putere de schimbare, adaptabilitate, umanitate, prietenie, sensibilitate, conexiune, curaj, putere, angajament cu trup și suflet, cu inima și mintea. Da, adolescentii sunt de neoprit atunci când isi pun ceva în minte și au puterea de a topi inimile și de a muta munții, eu sunt martora!
Aici sunt link-uri către Vimeo, pentru:
-Video cu performingul lor la Academie, unde au avut o contribuție semnificativă la premiul nostru (scenariul ar putea fi citit mai jos):
- Prezentarea mass-media pe care noi am pregătit-o pentru acest eveniment (mulțumiri speciale elevei Ionela-Elena Pinzariu, tutorele-voluntar, care a contribuit cu Toma la coverul muzical):

Și aici este script-ul:

Senec script
Natasha: SL: (viteză normală) Bună ziua! Bună ziua! Ce mai faci?
Toma: Hamjambo! Habari ya mchana! Habari Yako [Traduce în swahili ce spune Natasha ]? ...
Natasha: SL: (cel mai rapid posibil, nu conteaza daca e ușor de înțeles) Sunt Natasha si eu sunt din Serbia. El este Toma și el este din România.
Toma: ... Sielewi, tafadhali sema polepole. Asante sana [de la Swahili:. Te rog, vorbește mai rar. Eu nu înțeleg] (Natasha se opreste) (Toma: SL pentru Mulțumesc).

Natasha: Știm că majoritatea dintre voi nu înțelegeți limbajul semnelor!
Toma: .. sau swahili ... a fost doar un joc de empatie, să va faca să înțelegeti mai bine adolescentii pe care ii reprezentam aici.
Natasha: Buna ziua, sunt Natasha si sunt de la Scoala "Stefan Dechanski", Belgrad, Serbia.
Toma: Eu sunt Toma și reprezint adolescentii de la Scoala "Constantin Păunescu", Iași, Romania. Va prezentam proiectul:
Natasha: "Voci media pentru adolescenti speciali".
Toma: Natasha, nu avem prea mult timp pentru a arăta cât de multe am realizat!
 Natasha: Nu! Acesta este motivul pentru care te invit să jucam un alt joc!
Toma: Ce joc?!
 Natasha: Jocul de asociere!
Toma: OK, hai so facem! Și pentru mai multă distracție, să începem  si prezentarea video! 3-2-1 Start!

- 1) Începuturile
- Cinci zile înainte de termenul limită,  succes, Lasko, speranțele, visele
- 2) De ce?
- Adolescentii,  nevoi speciale, interfață, suport, sensibilizare a opiniei publice
- 3) Start bun
- Evenimente de deschidere, primele noastre prezentari, interes public, tricouri, insigne
- 4) Intalniri de proiect
- Belgrad, aniversare a a115ani , Iași, excursie, prietenie
- 5) Activitățile proiectului
- Mese rotunde, producții artistice, conștientizare publică
- 6)Si mai multe activități 
- Ateliere de lucru, campanii de strângere de fonduri, ploaie, frig, studenți, profesori curajoși, nici o teama, multe zâmbete, aprecierea publicului, stima de sine, comunități
- 7) Sensibilizarea publicului
- Mese rotunde, producții artistice, comunitate, adolescenti speciali talentati, profesori zambitori si rabdatori, sensibilizare publica
- 8) Mass-media
- National, local, TV, radio, reviste, mass-media on-line, rapoarte, interviuri, spectacole live trilingve, conștientizare publică
- 9) instrumentele noastre proprii mass-media
- revista scolara Razvitak și prezentări ale proiectului; blog-ul proiectului, șase bloggeri, trilingv, mai mult de 8 mii de vizualizări, 130 postari, peste 40 de țări din întreaga lume, mândrie
- 10) Dansul aces
- Distracție, prietenie, spiritul aces
- 11) Parteneri locali
- Prietenie pe termen lung, comunități puternice, , tutori-voluntari
- 12) Oamenii nostri din proiect
- Prieteni, zâmbete, conexiune, eroi
- 13) Succes
- Urcam muntii, crestem impreună

Natasha: Am reusit!
Toma: Într-adevăr, am reusit, rezultatele noastre sunt de trei ori mai multe decât ne-am așteptat! Suntem foarte recunoscători pentru asta.
Natasha: Suntem foarte mândri de oamenii din proiectul nostru!
Toma: Ei au lucrat din greu și au dovedit ca adolescentii speciali sunt în măsură să fie cetățeni valorosi și activi în comunitățile lor.
 Pentru mai multe informatii despre proiectul nostru va rugam sa vizitati panoul nostru, expoziția noastră de produse și blog-ul nostru, www-dot-aces128-dot-blogspot-dot-com.
 Natasha: Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare.
Toma: La revedere și mult noroc!

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Two and both... (guest post) Doua si amandoua (postare gazduita)

Thank you, aces!

Home again...

We are back home...after few wonderful days at the aces Academy in Senec (Slovakia)...we had really great time there - met lot of old and new friends and learnt many new things...

Great energy, great sharing and dreaming together...

We are really happy that we became members of the wonderful aces community  and had opportunity to dream our DREAMLAND:-)

We are especially proud and happy because our project "Media Voices 4 Special Teens" has received a special achievement award for innovative learning at the Ceremony...

Once again: Thank you to all aces people who made this possible, our local and media partners, colleagues and blog followers and all who belived in us, supported and helped us....and, before all,  to very special teens - pupils of our schools! :-)

Stay tunned...there is more to come....

                                  Project team

Thursday, 4 April 2013

No way! (Step in, it's open!)/ In niciun caz! (Intra, e deschis!)

Here we are!
Making last moment plans for Academy- suitcases, shopping, long online sessions to prepare the final presentation, strategies, pinboard, rehearsals...
The good part of this stressing time is that makes us remember everything.
The painful part is that special feeling of THE END.
Sounds like FAREWELL??? I'm not ready for this. NO WAY!
There will always be TOMORROW. I will NOT give up on them easily, as long as I am here. I am here. I am!

What is so SPECIAL about special teens? Or about their teachers? Nothing special about any of them. And everything. Their work is longer and they achieve everything in the hard way. They don't make any progress  if they do not get involved emotionally in what they build together. Their souls are open books and their smiles are the most honest ones that you will ever get.

Special teens? There is no such thing! Because all the teens are special. I am the witness of that, after I saw the naugtiest teens I ever met(our cute Orga team) transforming into the most kind, friendly, nice, sensitive, understanding, friendly group of young people you can imagine!

If you would ask a special teen about friendship, probably he would tell you:
"For me, I don't feel special. This is my way of living. If you are curious and want to get to know me better, you should come closer. I would do it too, but sometimes my voice is too weak to  call you, or my words don't match with yours. Or maybe you are too far and your words do not reach me, so I cannot answer to your call. So come closer. If you wish to come into my heart, come closer! And step in, it's open! "

We are living into this world together, so we must grow together. Only in this way, the best is yet to come!

Facem planuri de ultim moment pentru Academie -valize, cumparaturi, lungi sesiuni on-line pentru a pregăti prezentarea finală, strategii, panou pentru pioneze, repetiții ...
Partea buna din acest timp stresant este aceea că ne face să ne amintim tot.
Partea dureroasa este acel sentiment special de SFARSIT.
Sună ca "adio"?? Eu nu sunt pregătita pentru asta. De niciun fel!
Va fi întotdeauna MAINE. Nu voi renunța la ei cu ușurință, atâta timp cât eu sunt aici. Sunt aici. Eu sunt!

Ce este atât de special la adolescentii speciali? Sau la profesorii lor? Special cu privire la oricare dintre ei nu e nimic. Și  e totul. Munca lor este mai lunga si reusitele lor se obtin pe calea cea mai grea. Ei nu fac niciun progres în cazul în care nu se implică emoțional în ceea ce construiesc împreună. Sufletele lor sunt cărți deschise și zâmbetele lor sunt cele mai sincere pe care le veti primi vreodată.

Adolescenti speciali? Nu există asa ceva! Deoarece toti adolescentii sunt speciali. Eu sunt martorul acestui lucru, după ce i-am văzut  pe cei mai neastamparati adolescenti pe care i-am intalnit vreodata (drăguța noastra echipa Orga ) transformându-se în cel mai prietenos, frumos, înțelegator sensibil grup de tineri pe care vi-l puteți imagina!

Dacă ai întreba un adolescent special despre prietenie, probabil ti-ar spune:
"In ce ma priveste, nu mă simt special. Acesta este modul meu de a trai. Dacă esti curios și doresti să mă cunosti mai bine, ar trebui să vii mai aproape. As face-o si eu, dar, uneori, vocea mea este prea slabă să te strig, sau cuvintele mele nu se potrivesc cu ale tale sau poate esti prea departe si cuvintele tale nu ajung la mine, așa că nu pot răspunde la chemarea ta. Deci, vino mai aproape. Dacă doresti să intri în inima mea, vino mai aproape! Si intra, e deschis! "

Noi trăim în această lume împreună, așa că trebuie să crestem împreună. Numai în acest fel, ce e mai bun va urma!