Ovo je vest iz dnevnog lista "Blic", od 12. aprila o našem aces projektu "Medijski glasovi za tinejdžere sa posebnim potrebama" i nagradi za inovativno učenje koju smo dobili na aces Akademiji 2013 u Senecu (Slovačka).
Škola za oštećene sluhom i nagluve "Stefan Dečanski" osvojila nagradu Akademije srednjeevropskih škola
Blic | 12. 04. 2013. - 16:28h | Komentara: 1
Škola za oštećene sluhom - nagluve „Stefan Dečanski“ iz Beograda je dobitnica nagrade Akademije srednjeevropskih škola (ACES) za inovativni prekogranični projekat na temu medijske pismenosti.
Dobitnici iz Srbije
Nagrada je dodeljena na svečanosti u slovačkom gradu Senecu. ACES je jedna od najvećih prekograničnih školskih mreža u Evropi koju čini 15 partnerskih zemalja. Više od 400 škola je učestvovalo u ovogodišnjem projektu, a od tog broja, 107 škola je primilo donaciju, dok je međunarodni stručni žiri nagradio pet najinovativnijih projekata.
Cilj projekta, rađen sa partnerskom školom „Constantin Paunescu“ iz Rumunije, je da podigne svest o problemimа dece sа posebnim potrebаmа. Orgаnizovane su rаdionice gde su učenici izrađivali zаnаtske proizvode. Kanali komunikacije korišćeni tokom projekta su čаsopis "Rаzvitаk" i trojezični blog na srpskom, engleskom i rumunskom jeziku „Medijski glаsovi za posebne tinejdžere“.
Na dodeli ACES nagrade u slovačkom gradu Senecu, od 12.aprila je učestvovalo 230 studenata i nastavnika, kao i predstavniciministarstava obrazovanja iz 15 zemalja. Među njima su bili i učenici i nastavnici iz škole „Stefan Dečanski“.
Školske delegacije su predstavile rezultate svojih zajedničkih projekata i podelile među sobom iskustva i znanja stečena tokom ovog projekta.
Srbijaje deo prekogranične mreže škola od 2007. godine. Konkursi za školske projekte se objavljuju svake godine, a do sada je 37 škola iz Srbije učestvovalo u programu ACES.
Novi konkus ACES na temu „Ja i drugi: Otkrivanje raznovrsnosti oko mene i u meni“ je još uvek otvoren. Škole iz Srbije mogu da podnesu predloge svojih projekata do 30.aprila.
Mrežu ACES osnovala je ERSTE fondacija 2006. godine. Danas mreža broji 15 država. Za koordinaciju inicijative zaduženi su neprofitne organizacije Interkulturalni centar iz Austrije i VČELI DOM iz Slovačke, uz podršku Ministarstva obrazovanja svih zemalja članica.
Svake godine se održava takmičenje za najbolje projekte unutar školskog partnerstva. Međunarodni žiri bira najbolje projekte koji dobijaju novčanu nagradu. Nagrađene škole dobijaju podršku tokom realizacije svojih projekata i pozvane su na međunarodne sastanke mreže, kao što je ovaj u Senecu.
Here is an article about aces, our project "Media Voices 4 Special Teens" and the award for innovative lerning that we have received at the aces Academy 2013 in Senec (Slovakia).
School for hearing impaired apupils "Stefan Decanski," won the Academy of Central European Schools Award
BLIC | 12 04th 2013th - 16:28 h | 1
School for hearing impaired pupils "Stefan Decanski," from Belgrade, is the Academy of Central European Schools (ACES) Award winner for innovative cross-border project on media literacy.
Winners from Serbia
The award was presented at a ceremony in the Slovakian town of Senec. ACES one of of the largest cross-border school networks in Europe consisting of 15 partner countries. More than 400 schools participated in this year's project, and of that number, 107 schools received the grant, and is an international expert jury awarded the five most innovative projects.
The aim of the project , that was done with the partner school "Constantin Păunescu" from Romania, is to raise awareness of the problems of children with special needs. Workshops were organized where students made handicraft products. The communication channels used in the project include the school magazine "Development" and trilingual blog in English, Serbian and Romanian "Media voices 4special teens."
Final ACES Ceremony was held in the Slovak town of Senec, from 9 to 12 April and was attended by 230 students and teachers, as well as representatives of the Ministires of education from 15 countries. Among them were students and teachers from the school "Stefan Decanski."
School delegation presented the results of their joint projects and shared with each other experience and knowledge gained during this project.
Serbia jis a member of this of cross-border network of schools since 2007. Competitions for school projects are published every year, and so far 37 schools from Serbia participated in ACES.
New ACES concurs on the theme of diversitz, titled "Me and others: Discovering the diversity around me and in me" is still open. Schools in Serbia can submit their project proposals by 30 April.
ACES Network was founded by Erste Foundation in the year 2006th. Today the network consists of 15 states. Non-profit organization Intercultural Centre in Austria and VČELI DOM from Slovakia, are responsible for coordinating this initiatives, with the support of the Ministry of Education of the member countries.
Each year a contest for the best projects within the school partnership is open. An international jury selects the best projects that receive a cash prize. The winning schools receive support during the implementation of their projects and have been invited to international meetings of the network, such as this in Senec.
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