U nedelju smo proslavili Svetog Savu...a juče i danas smo održali generalnu probu za naš aces ples...
Sutra je veliki dan...snimamo našu verziju aces plesa!!!
A do tada evo još jednog snimka sa proba...
I još jednom VEEEELIKOOO HVALA deci i našim divnim kolegama koji su nam, na različite načine, pomogli u pripremi aces plesa...
P.S.Za nase partnere iz Rumunije, a posebno Elenu...evo ga i drugi deo, srpski folklorni ples, koji se zove "Kozar"...:-)
On Sunday we celbrated St. Sava...and on Monday and today we held the final rehersals for our aces dance....
Tomorrow is a big day - we are going to shoot our version of aces dance!!!
Until tomorrow here is one more videofrom our rehersals...
And once again BIIIIIG THANKS to the kids and our wonderful colleagues who helped us in preparing the aces dance...
P.S. For our partners from Romania, and especially for Elena...here is part two of the dance, Serbian folklore dance, called "Kozar"
Sutra je veliki dan...snimamo našu verziju aces plesa!!!
A do tada evo još jednog snimka sa proba...
I još jednom VEEEELIKOOO HVALA deci i našim divnim kolegama koji su nam, na različite načine, pomogli u pripremi aces plesa...
P.S.Za nase partnere iz Rumunije, a posebno Elenu...evo ga i drugi deo, srpski folklorni ples, koji se zove "Kozar"...:-)
On Sunday we celbrated St. Sava...and on Monday and today we held the final rehersals for our aces dance....
Tomorrow is a big day - we are going to shoot our version of aces dance!!!
Until tomorrow here is one more videofrom our rehersals...
And once again BIIIIIG THANKS to the kids and our wonderful colleagues who helped us in preparing the aces dance...
P.S. For our partners from Romania, and especially for Elena...here is part two of the dance, Serbian folklore dance, called "Kozar"
Duminica l-am sarbatorit pe Sf. Sava ... iar Luni si astazi am avut repetitiile generale pentru dansul aces....
Maine este ziua cea mare - vom filma versiunea noastra a dansului aces!!!
Pana maine va mai oferim inca un video de la repetitiile nostre...
Inca o data transmitem MULTE MULTUMIRI copiilor si colegilor nostri care au fost fantastici si ne-au ajutat la pregatirea dansului aces....
P.S. Pentru partenerii nostri din Romania, si mai ales pentru Elena... aceasta este partea a doua a dansului, dansul popular sarb - "Kozar"
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