Thursday, 10 January 2013

"Prosvetni pregled" / "Education Review"


Ovde je članak koji je objavljen u časopisu "Prosvetni pregled" , број 2562/3 (39-40) од 20 - 27. decembra 2012. godine.
Članak je napisala Slavica Čarapić, školski pedagog u ETŠ "Stari grad" povodom učešća na kreativnoj radionici "Zajedno možemo da napravimo razliku"  u  okviru aces projekta "Medijski glasovi za tinejdžere sa posebnim potrebama". 
Koleginici Slavici Čarapić i njenim učenicima se srdačno zahvaljujemo i nadamo se da ćemo se uskoro ponovo družiti!


Here is an article that was published in the magazine "Educational Review" ("Prosvetni pregled") no. 26562/3 (39-40) from  20 - 27  December 2012. 
This article was written by  Čarapić Slavica, a school pedagogue in the Electrotechnic School  "Stari grad" in Belgrade after participating in the creative workshop "Together We Can Make A Difference" in the aces  project  "Media Voices 4 Special Teens."
Big thanks to our colleague Slavica Čarapić and her students for joining us on this occasion  and we hope that we will meet again soon!

Text translation:

Projects: "Media Voices For Special Teens"


As a part of celebrating  115 years of  the school and a new phase in the implementation of the ACES project "Media Voices For Special Teens," the School for  hearing - impaired pupils "Stefan Decanski" in Belgrade  organized a meeting with pupils from the Electrotechnic School "Stari  grad ​​" from Belgrade.
A warm and hearty welcome for the guests was arranged by the school  principal, Lepa Petrovic and a group of teachers with project coordinator, special education teacher Iva Urdarevic. She presented  to the mainstream school students how through this project their peers with special needs in the central Europe, the region and our country have  an opportunity to actively participate and promote themsleves  in the society.
During school visit and turnround through specialized classrooms, with special education teacher Katarina Petrovic, mainstream pupils had the opportunity to learn more about how students with hearing impairments learn and acquire theoretical and practical knowledge.
However, the most important experience was meeting and socializing with other students in creative workshops organized by special education teacher Svetlana Matovic.
Activities of the students of two schools were organised under the title  "Together we can make a difference" and  they were involved in different workshops: baking and making cakes, making ceramic ornaments, textile painting, hairdressing skills.
Special education teachers  included curious guests in the workshops  and their peers and hosts   patiently transferred their knowledge, encouragde them and helped them in aquarinig new skills. It was a specific form of peer education in which students learnt from each other new skills, and all of them together overcame communication barriers.
Cooperation, assistance in achieving common goals through friendship and mutual learning, contributed to strenghtening of  confidence, developing a positive image of self and others, understanding and rapprochement of regular school pupils and students with special needs. It can be seen as a small but important step in sensitizing the youth for their peers and inclusive education.


Suzana S., School for hearing -impaired pupils "Stefan Decanski": " I'm glad they came and saw the school. I am even more glad and happy that we've worked together and  they have learned something from us. I hope we can hang out again soon!"

Ivana I., ETS "Stari grad":" I admire their will as in some of our peers it can't even be noticed! They are friendly and always smiling! We somehow managed to establish excellent communication!"
Borislava G., School for hearing -impaired pupils "Stefan Decanski": We got along great in the workshops and I have made new friends."
Ana D., ETS "Stari grad":" For the second time I cаme to the school for hearing impaired children, and both times it was a wonderful experience. I'd like to continue to socialize with them because they are our new friends."
Milan P., ETS "Stari grad":" I thought I would not be able to understand them, but it was just a first impression. As time went on we all talked, communicated and understood each other better. I see them as normal kids, no different than us."

 Slavica Carapic, school pedagogue, ETS "Stari grad"

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