18. decembra objavili smo snimak našeg gostovanja u emisiji "Digitalne ikone" na Radiju Beograd 2, kao i najavu te emisije gde se spominje naše gostovanje i naš aces projekat i blog.
Sa novinarkom Radio Beograda, Tamarom Vučenovič razgovarali smo o aces projektu "Medijski glasovi za tinejdžere sa posebnim potrebama" i našem blogu, pa evo, još jednom snimka, transkripta i prevoda tog razgovora na engleski.
Još jednom hvala novinarki Tamari Vučenović na pozivu da budemo gosti u njenoj emisiji i snimku koji smo od nje dobili!
Thanks, once again, to journalist Tamara Vucenovic for inviting us to be her guests in this emission and the recording she providedo us!
Tamara Vučenović: Digitalne ikone, profesorka Iva Urdarević, profesorka Škole za oštećene sluhom - nagluve "Stefan Dečanski". Dobar dan i dobro nam došli.
"Digital icons", Iva Urdarević, professor of the School for hearing impaired "Stefan Decanski". Good afternoon and welcome.
Iva Urdarević: Hvala na pozivu. Dobar dan.
Thanks for your invitation. Good afternoon.
Tamara Vučenović:Dogovorili smo se i mi smo to najavili u jednoj od prethodnih emisija "Digitalne ikone" da ćemo govoriti danas o projektu, nagrađenom projektu "Medijski glasovi za tinejdžere sa posebnim potrebama" i posebno onom delu ovog projekta koji se tiče novih tehnologija i društvenih medija. Ali, da krenemo redom.
We have agreed and we also announced it in a previous issue of "Digital Icons" that we will speak today about the awarded project "Media Voices for Special teens," and especially that part of the project which is dealing with the new technologies and social media. Let's start from the beggining...
Iva Urdarević:Škola je ove godine postala član Akademije centralnoevropskih škola ili ACES, time što je, na njihovom konkursu, zajedno sa Specijalnom školom "Constantin Paunescu", iz Rumunije, iz Jašija, napisala projekat "Medijski glasovi za tinejdžere sa posebnim potrebama", koji ima za cilj da poveća vidljivost dece sa posebnim potrebama u medijima. Tema celokupnog projektnog ciklusa bila je " Provera realnosti - kako mi doživljavamo i izgradjujemo svet pomoću medija" i u sklopu toga mi smo napravili projekat u kome smo, u jednom delu projekta sa decom iz naših škola organizovali kreativne radionice. U našoj školi, ta radionica je bila pre nedelju dana i došli su nam takodje gosti iz Elektrotehničke škole "Stari grad", tako da je ta radionica bila inkluzivna.Rezultati su takvi da su i jedna i druga deca oduševljena celom tom idejom. Znači, kroz razne radionice: tekstilnu, stolarsku, frizersku, grafičku i keramilku, učenici su pokazali da i oni mogu, iako su hendikepirani, puno toga da urade i da budu kreativni i korisni članovi društva.
Drugi deo projekta je blog "Medijski glasovi za tinejdžere sa posebnim potrebama", gde je cilj da se poveća vidljivost dece sa posebnim potrebama, odnosno tinejdžera posebno, u virtuelnom prostoru. Ono što je bitno je da je taj blog ispao, na kraju, trojezičan.Prvobitno je bilo zamišljeno da bude na engleskom jeziku, medjutim sada se piše na srpskom, engleskom i rumunskom jeziku. On prati sve aktivnosti vezane za projekat, ali takodje i sve druge zanimljivosti iz života škole. Sam cilj bloga je da on, i kasnije, ostane, po zavrpetku projekta, kao sredstvo komunikacije i sredstvo da i ova deca pokažu šta žele u nekom medijskom prostoru.
School has became a member of the Academy of Central European Schools or ACES this year, by participating at their competition for school projects. Together with the Special Middle School "Constantin Paunescu", from Romania, from Iasi,we have written the project titled "Media Voices for Special Teens," which aims to increase the visibility of children with disabilities in the media. Topic of the entire project cycle was "Reality check - how we perceive and construct the world through media," and we have created a project in which we, in one part of the project with the children of our school have organized a creative workshop. In our school, the workshop was a week ago and we also had guests from the Electrotechnic school "Stari grad", so that the workshop was inclusive.Results are such that both groups of children were thrilled over the idea. So, through a variety of workshops: textile, carpentry, hairdressing, graphic and ceramics, students have shown that they can, even though handicapped, to do and achieve a lot and to be creative and contributing members of society.
The second part of the project is the blog, "Media Voices for Special Teens," where the goal is to increase the visibility of children with special needs, and especially teenagers, in cyberspace. What is important is that this blog turned out, in the end, trilingual.At first we planned it to be in English, however, now it is written in Serbian, English and Romanian. It monitors all activities related to the project, but also any other interesting facts from the life of the school. The sole aim of the blog is that it stays later, when the project is finished, as a mean of communication and a tool for these kids to show what they want in a media space.
Tamara Vučenović: Ko kreira te tekstove koji mogu da se pročitaju na blogu?
Who creates these texts that can be read on the blog?
Iva Urdarević: Nastavnici i učenici.Ima nekoliko učenika koji imaju pravo administratora bloga u školi. To je, izmedju ostalih, učenica Nataša Obrenović, koja je bila i delegat na Aces Kick - Off Meeting-u, u Laškom, u Sloveniji. Znači išla je u Sloveniju, na te uvodne aktivnosti, pred sam početak projekta, gde nam objašnjavaju kako se vodi medjunarodni projekat. Ona je i predsednica Učeničkog parlamenta.Sada ima još više zainteresovanih učenika, tako da otvaraju naloge na gmail - u, da bi i oni mogli da aktivno učestvuju u celoj toj priči. Ili se dogovaramo šta da stavimo na blog.
Bilo je puno zanimljivih dešavanja u proteklih nedelju dana, jer smo slavili 115 godina postojanja i rada naše škole, pa je bila i svešana akademija u Domu sindikata, seminar "Koračam i slušam", a takodje je bila i inkluzivna odbojkaška utakmica izmedju ušenika naše škole i Gimnazije "Sveti Sava", koja nam je u komšiluku, tako da imamo dosta sadržaja za blog. To mogu da budu, recimo, i razna njihova interesovanja, tipa igrali su Gangam style, pa su to kačili na youtube, pa bi sad da stave na blog.
Teachers and students. Some students are blog administrators at the school. This is, among others, Natasha Obrenovic, who was a delegate at the Aces Kick - Off Meeting, in Lasko, Slovenia. So she went to Slovenia, to the introductory activities, before the start of the project, where we were explained how to lead an international project. She is also the president of the Students' parliament. Now, there is even more interested students, they are opening accounts on gmail, so that they can actively participate in the whole story. Or we discuss and we agree what to put on the blog.
There were a lot of interesting events in the past week, as we celebrate 115 years of existence and work of our school, and there was also an Academy at the Union Home, seminar "I walk and I listen," and an inclusive volleyball match between pupils from our school and high school "Sveti Sava", which is in our neighborhood, so we have a lot of content for the blog. It may also be, for example, their various interests, like when they danced Gangam style, and they put it on youtube and would like to put it on the blog too.
Tamara Vučenović: Kakve su, da kažem, te prve reakcije i kakvi su ti vaši prvi utisci o mogućnostima i na koji način najbolje iskoristiti mogućnosti koje blog i internet nude da bi, upravo, bili pre svega vidljiviji?
What are, let's say, these first reactions and what are your first impressions on possibilities and what is the best way to take advantage of the opportunities offered by blog and the Internet to be more visible?
Iva Urdarević: Pa, recimo blog je do sada imao preko 2000 poseta, što je prilično veliki broj, obzirom da postoji od kraja septembra.Jednostavno, kroz blog, pa preko facebook-a, pošto oni to posle te članke i ostalo dele po facebook-u, dosta ljudi može da vidi šta mi radimo i šta želimo.U stvari, oni imaju iste želje kao i svi drugi tinejdžeri, ali imaju i dodatne izazove sa kojima se susreću u životu.U suštini njihove potrebe su iste kao i sve druge dece.
Well, a blog has had , so far, over 2000 visits, which is a pretty big number, considering that it exists from end of September.Simply said, through the blog and facebook, because they share articles and other content on facebook, a lot of people can see what we are doing and what we want.In fact, they have the same desires as other teens, but they have additional challenges they face in the life: Essentially, their needs are the same as all other children.
Tamara Vučenović: A kakvi su njihovi komentari?
And what are their comments?
Iva Urdarević: Pa, recimo, pisali su da vrlo lepo izgleda, vrlo su zadovoljni, drago im je, žele da učestvuju, motivisani su, osećaju se važnim, podiže se njihov nivo samopouzdanja, samopoštovanje...Čak su, recimo, počeli da koriste Google prevodilac da prevode oni sami na engleski.
For example they wrote that it looks very nice, they are highly satisfied, very glad and happy and they want to participate, they are motivated, they feel important, it helps them to raise their level of self-confidence, self-esteem ... even, for example, they began using Google translator themselves to translate texts into English.
Tamara Vučenović: Naravno. Divno. Možda, trebalo bi da pomenemo, naravno, jubilej škole je obeležen prošle nedelje. Sajt nije nov, postoji već izvesno vreme i takođe njega možete da koristite za različite svrhe, kada govorimo o prezentaciji i promociji onoga što radite.
Sure. Great. Perhaps, we should mention, of course, the anniversary of the school last week. The site is not new, it exists for some time and also you can use it for different purposes, in terms of presentation and promotion of what you are doing.
Iva Urdarević: Sajt postoji već godinama, ažurira se i trebalo bi sad da se ažurira sa adetaljima vezanim za projekat. On, uglavnom, prati sve aktivnosti škole.Sajt je više informativnog karaktera, u stvari za roditelje i decu koja se upisuju u školu. Mi imamo i naš školski časopis koji se zove "Razvitak". Sada je izašao novi broj, povodom Dana škole, 24. novembra. On prati sve važne dogadjaje iz života škole i u njemu, takodje, učestvuju deca. Naši učenici četvrtog stepena, tehničari grafičke dorade. Deca i nastavnici zajedno pišu članke, onda unose tekstove u WORD - u, rade prelom, odlučuju koje će slike da budu u časopisu od gomile fotografija sa raznih dogadjaja. Vrlo su aktivni u svim segmentima rada. I časopis je, takodje, deo projekta "Media Voices 4 Special Teens"
The site has been around for years,it is updated regularly and should now be updated with details related to the project. It mainly monitors all aschool ctivities .Site is more informative, in fact, it is intended for parents and children who enroll in school. We have our school magazine called "Development". A new issue was published recently, on the School Day, 24 November.It keeps track of all the important events in the life of the school and it also involves children. Our fourth degree students, graphic design tehnicians. Children and teachers together write articles, then enter text in Word , prepare the magazine for printing, decide which images to be in a magazine from a bunch of photos from various events. They are very active in all aspects of this work. And the magazine is also part of the project "Media Voices 4 Special Teens".
Tamara Vučenović: Šta imate u planu za period koji je pred nama?
What are your plans for the period ahead?
Iva Urdarević: U narednom periodu, u dogovoru sa ETŠ "Stari grad" trebalo bi da imamo još jednu radionicu, kod njih, pošto oni žele nas da ugoste i da uzvrate posetu. Zatim, u martu, planiramo posetu partnerima u Rumuniji, u Jašiju. Oni su bili kod nas prošle nedelje, u gostima nam je bila delegacija iz Rumunije. Bili su prisutni na svim našim dešavanjima. Planiramo da, ako uspemo, organizujemo jedan okrugli sto sa predstavnicima medija. To bi trebalo da bude u februaru. I naravno, o svemu tome ćemo redovno da obaveštavamo, da apdejtujemo i ažuriramo naš blog "Media Voices 4 Special Teens".
In the following period, in agreement with ETS "Stari grad" we should have another workshop with them, because they want to be our host and to reciprocate the visit. Then, in March, we plan to visit our partner in Romania, in Iasi. They were with us last week, a delegation from Romania was our guest. They were present at all of our events. We also plan, if we manage to do it, to organize a round table discussion with representatives of the media. It should be in February. And of course,on all our activities we will regularly inform you and update our blog "Media Voices 4 Special Teens".
Tamara Vučenović: Iva Urdarević bila je danas sa nama, profesorka u Školi za oštećene sluhom - nagluve "Stefan Dečanski", Govorile smo o ovom zanimljivom blogu i nagradjenom projektu. Hvala lepo što ste došli.
Iva Urdarević was with us today, a professor in the School for hearing impaired "Stefan Decanski" We talked about this interesting blog and awarded projects. Thank you very much for coming.
Iva Urdarević: Hvala i vama.
Thank you.
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