Znam da ovo nije aces dance...ali je bila još jedna prilika za ples. Učenici Škole za oštećene sluhom - nagluve " Stefan Dečanki" igraju zajedno u Gangam stilu...Nadamo se da ćemo okupiti još drugara da nam se pridruže...Moja drugarica Kristina je ovaj video postavila na youtube...pa pogledajte!
I know this isn't aces dance, but it was another dancing opportunity. Pupils from the School for hearing - impaired "Stefan Decanski" are dancing together in Gangam style...We hope we will manage to gather together more friends to dance with...My friend Kristina has put this video on youtube....so you can watch it!
Stiu ca acesta nu este dans aces, dar a fost o alta oportunitate de a dansa. Elevii de la Scoala pentru deficienti de auz "Stefan Decanski" danseaza impreuna Gangam style... Speram ca vom reusi sa strangem mai multi prieteni cu care sa dansam... prietena mea Cristina a postat acest video pe Youtube... asa ca-l puteti viziona!
Great dance! You look so cool!
ReplyDeleteWho said that only aces dance could be posted here?
I like it, you dance so nice!