Sunday, 17 February 2013

Media voices 4 special teens- Our bloggers/ Voci media pentru adolescenti speciali- Bloggerii nostri


Initially, the blog was only a part of the contribution to the project of the team from Romania.
We started with the idea to create a blog in English to help us make known the project activities. Then we decided it's not enough to just post our school activities because we have a partner school project that has a lot to show. So we expanded team. Then we thought it would be good to give the opportunity to understand posts to the students, parents and our teachers who do not speak English, so we started to translate as much as we can of what we posted, in Romanian and in Serbian! And just like that, we have now a trilingual blog, where are working as volunteers, six bloggers (three for  each partner country) three teachers and three teens.
I think it's time to get acquainted with the team of bloggers who work with devotion to our blog, helping us to exceed all expectations!
Thank you all! You are great!


Initial, blogul facea parte doar din contributia in proiect a echipei din Romania. 
Noi am pornit cu ideea de a crea un blog in limba engleza care sa ne ajute sa facem cunoscute activitatile proiectului. Apoi am decis ca nu este de ajuns sa postam doar activitatile scolii noastre, deoarece in proiect avem o scoala partenera care are multe de aratat. Asa ca am largit echipa. Dupa care ne-am zis ca ar fi bine sa dam posibilitatea de a intelege postarile si elevilor, parintilor si profesorilor nostri care nu cunosc limba engleza, asa ca ne-am apucat sa traducem cat mai mult din ceea ce postam, in limba romana si in limba sarba! Si, uite asa, am ajuns sa avem un blog trilingv, la care muncesc, ca voluntari, sase oameni, cate trei din fiecare tara partenera, trei profesori si trei adolescenti.
Cred ca este timpul sa va fac cunostinta cu echipa de bloggeri care muncesc cu devotament la blogul nostru, ajutandu-ne sa ne depasim cu mult asteptarile! 
Multumesc tuturor! Sunteti grozavi!


U početku blog je zamišljen kao doprinos rumunskog tima projektu.
Započeli smo ga sa idejom daa nam pomogne da objavljujemo projektne aktivnosti na engleskom jeziku. Potom smo odlučili da nije dovoljno samo da objavljujemo naše školske aktivnosti, jer mi imamo partnerski školski projekat u kome možemo puno da pokažemo.Zato smo proširili tim.
Onda smo pomislili kako bi bilo dobro da omogućimo učenicima, roditeljima i nastavnicima, koji ne govore engleski jezik, da razumeju postove na blogu, pa smo počeli da prevodimo postove na rumunski i srpski jezik. I tako, sada imamo trojezični blog, na kome radi šest volontera (po tri iz svake partnerske zemlje), tri nastavnika i tri tinejdžera.
Mislim da je vreme da se upoznamo sa timom koji predano radi na blogu, pomažući nam da prevaziđemo sva naša očekivanja!

Hvala svima! Vi ste sjajni!


Miss Iva Urdarević, project manager, strategist, blogger, English-Serbian translator (Serbian team)
Miss Nataša Obrenović, member of project management team, interpreter, blogger (Serbian team)
Mr. Slobodan Milovanović, cameraman, blogger (Serbian team)
Mrs. Alina Leonte, blogger, English-Romanian translator, field corespondent, camerawoman (Romanian team)
Mr. Toma-Florin Ungureanu, blog manager, blogger, translator, tutor volunteer, tactician  (Romanian team)

Mrs. Elena Eigel, blog owner, blogger, translator, strategist, camerawoman (Romanian team)

1 comment:

Thank you for reading and commenting, we are waiting for you to come back and visit us soon!