O Školi za oštećene sluhom - nagluve"Stefan Dečanski" u Beogradu i o našim aktivnostima izveštavali su mnogi mediji. Ove godine proslavljamo 115 godina postojanja i rada škole - što je veliki jubilej, ali i obaveza da, u narednom periodu, budemo još bolji i uspešniji.
Ovde možete pogledati prilog o školi, koji je emitovan na HAPPY TV, 30, novembra 2012. godine, u jutarnjem programu "Dobro jutro Srbijo".
Recently, there were many media reports about the School for hearing impaired "Stefan Decanski" in Belgrade and our activities . This year we celebrate 115 years of the school - which is a big milestone and a big responsibillity for us to become better and more successful in future..
Here you can see the report on the school, which was broadcasted on TV HAPPY, on 30 November 2012. in the morning program "Good Morning Serbia."
Škola "Stefan Dečanski" može da služi kao ponos obrazovnog sistema u Srbiji, posebno kada je reč o obrazovanju dece sa smetnjama u razvoju, ocenjuje direktorka Leposava Petrović.
- "Pratimo sve promene u obrazovanju, učestvujemo u inoviranju nastavnih planova i programa sa timom stručnjaka, tako da smo i u nekim oglednim programima.Sada smo već postali i jedan resursni centar, u okviru DILS projekta Ministarstva prosvete - Škola Model 1 za pružanje usluga redovnim školama koje imaju decu sa slušnim oštećenjem. Znači, menja se uloga škole, jedna nova dimenzija škole - škola kao podrška redovnom sistemu, što je sada u trendu i učli smo potpuno u inkluziju, ne sada zadnjih godina, već mi to radimo unazad 15 -20 godina."
Roditelji su zadovoljni, jer, kako navode, ta škola je njihovoj deci uspela da obezbedi normalan razvoj. Poručuju i svima koji se dvoume da li da upišu svoju decu da posete ovu ustanovu i sami se uvere u njihov rad.
- " Da dođu barem da vide, barem da probaju... Ja sam imala neku barijeru. Specijalna škola, to zvuči strašno rogobatno, a to je tako topla jedna institucija, koja nema krova, nema zidove...Možete doći i razgovarati sa učiteljem, sa direktorom, sa defktolozima - da se savetujete. To je takva jedna sloboda, takva milina...Samo lepe stvari imam da kažem. Zaista."
Svečana akademija je počela intoniranjem himne "Bože pravde", a svojim prisustvom su je uveličale i prva dama Srbije, Dragica Nikolić, kao i princeza Katarina Karađorđević, koja sa svojom humanitarnom organizacijom aktivno učestvuje u povećanju svesti u Srbiji o važnosti inkluzije dece ometene u razvoju.
School "Stefan Decanski," can serve as the pride of the Serbian education system, especially when it comes to the education of children with disabilities, evaluates school principal Leposava Petrovic.
- "We are following all the changes in education, participate in updating the curriculum with the team of professionals so that we are in some experimental programs.We have already become a resource center within DILS project of the Ministry of Education - School Model 1 for providing support to regular schools who educate children with hearing impairments. This means, changing the role of the school by adding a new dimension to the school - the school as a support of the mainstream education, which is now in trend and we are fully inclusive, not only in the last few years, but we're doing it the last 15 - 20 years. "
Parents are happy because, as they say, this school managed to provide and
ensure normal development of their children.
They want to send a message to those who are in doubt whether to send their children to this school - visit this facility and observe their work.
- "They should go there to see and to try ... I have had a barrier. Special school, it sounds horrible, but actually, it is really warm institution - that has no roof, no walls ... You can come and talk to teachers, the principal, special education teachers - to ask their opinion and get an advice. It is such a freedom, such a charm ...
I have
Ceremony began by intonation of the national anthem "God of Justice", and this celebration was
honored with the presence of
the First Lady of Serbia, Dragica Nikolic and Princess Katherine Karadjordjevic, who is, with her charity organization actively involved in raising awareness about the importance of the inclusion of children with disabilities in Serbia .
(by Google translate)
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